SWIMMING: At this point, I think I've found my swimming "sweet spot". Twice a week, I wake up at 4:30 AM to swim between 3.658k & 4.662k (approximately 2 1/2 to 3 hours). This is my distance training. I also train a third day on speed, going 1.372k as hard and fast as possible (approximately 1 1/4 hours).
STRENGTH: I've been putting off additional training until my summer "honey-do" list is done. Now that I'm almost there (just a little more wood to split), it's time to incorporate the strength training I found on USA Swimming....
- Suspended TRX Push-ups (shoulders): Exercise balls can substitute TRX bands.
- Kettle Bell (hips): Exercise bands attached to a foundation can be a substitute.
- Planks (core): Front, side, arm/leg raises, reach-under, etc.
- Suspended TRX Row (upper back): Seated row can substitute for TRX bands.
- Split-squat to Unilateral Dead-lift (legs): Watch the knee.
I'll do this twice per week.
FUEL: I've done a good job watching my calories and now I'm starting to think about how to optimize my food intake. I'd like to wait until I weigh somewhere between 220lbs - 230lbs before officially starting a fuel regiment because I think the focus should remain on weight loss right now. Based on my weight loss trend so far, this should get me to an approximate start date of early December...just in time for the holiday fat-fest. Waiting until then will also give me time to create a strength training "habit" so I don't overwhelm myself with too much new stuff at one time. Proper fueling will be a process of learning what combinations of pre- and post- training/race nutrition works best for me. My focus will start with the right balance of carbs, fat and protein.
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