Monday, April 8, 2013

WALK: 3.97k

Another great walk today. Lower back felt a little better than last tme, but I did notice a new pain in my right hip. Not sure if these are really just kinks I'll have to work out over time, or if they're related to my knee injury. My hip better not be starting to go...way too young for that nonsense!

I'm thinking about dropping my Y membership. The money I save can purchase the equivalent of two new (higher-end) wet-suits a year. That would get me more open water training time, which would make a big difference on race days. By trading my Nov-Mar pool time for additional bike and run time, I could also build a stronger fitness base to improve on. It's easier to motivate myself to step out my front door for a swim/bike/run when it's convenient for me than it is to coordinate swim time between multiple competing schedules...especially when I have to fight for a lane. Yep...easy decision.

Port Huron, MI
10.0 m
Michael MacLean Best Time: 49:22
This is a 3.97 km Walk in Port Huron, MI. The Walk has a total ascent of 10.0 m and has a maximum elevation of 186.0 m. This map was created by MichaelM558 on 04/08/2013. View other Walks that MichaelM558 has done or find similar maps in Port Huron.

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